Archive for the ‘Corruption’ Category

Arlen Sphincter

Posted: April 29, 2009 by cacoop in Blogs, Corruption, Dems, RINOS, Senate

Thanks to Ace, I now have another stop on my daily blog tour…

…the fantastic S. Weasel.

<Cue golf clap>


Posted: March 12, 2009 by cacoop in Bailout, Corruption, Dems, Economy, Obama, Obamamania, Politics, The Presidency
alien-obama Submit foolish humans! SUBMIT!

Barack Hussein Obama is not a misguided yet well intentioned left-leaning moderate.  He is not a pragmatic, well-spoken, amateur statesman who is finding his way.  He is a deceitful, conniving, ill-intentioned fear-monger who is doing everything he can to establish a permanent ideological, economic and cultural lurch to the left… There I said it.  Wow!  That feels good.  

He’s not taking his time either… In less than 60 days, we have witnessed the largest ingress of government control into the free markets in modern history.  By the words relayed to us from the mighty tele-prompter we have been informed that we are ending the War on Terror as we know it because it is high-time we Americans learn how bad we make the rest of the world feel when we mistreat the poor, misunderstood, freedom fighters in Gitmo whom we have unjustly hung by their scrotums (Is the sarcasm thick enough?  If not, please let me know.  I delight in lathering it on.)  Through the power of Executive Order, we have seen the return of pro-death policies such as the lifting of the Mexico City policy and the return of Embryonic Stem-Cell Research.  (With the latter, our Mighty Instiller of Fear has once again opened up the door to human cloning… only for “research purposes” mind you (yeah, right!) Eugenics, here we come!   Wouldn’t Margaret Sanger be proud? Maybe we can get rid of that pesky self-reliance, liberty seeking gene?)  

Through all of this we have been told to sit back and not question what the man and his cronies are up to because he has a mandate to lead and we must give him time and opportunity to do so.  When other duly elected leaders such as the Minority leadership in Congress questioned him on the wisdom of the Spendulus Package, they were told to sit down and shut up.  When noted liberal and respected financial guru, Jim Cramer (who is a vocal advocate of most of Obama’s policies) questioned the sanity of Obama’s choices to raise taxes on business and investment while the stock market is crumbling, he was cast to the street and ridiculed by Bobby Gibbs (wasn’t he a Bee-Gee?) as a nut-job that has a “small audience”.  All the while, his Urukai are brazenly boasting that they are leveraging this economic crisis to their advantage to ramrod their predetermined agenda up our collective asses. (Link to an EXCELLENT op.ed. by Jonah here. )

Given the vast amount of deceit, hypocrisy, acrimony and pure bullshit that is spewing forth from the administration on a daily basis, we think that this is the perfect time to launch the newest page at The Disloyal Opposition: 


“The Little Red Book of Chairman Obama”.  

In homage to Chairman Mao and LBJ, two of Obama’s apparent mentors, TLRB will be our little cozy place on the Web where we can document Dear Leader’s pearls of wisdom (read – steaming piles of crap) for all of the world to see.  We look forward to your contributions to TLRB, however there will be strict guidelines.  We want the page to be an authoritative account of Obama and his administration in THEIR OWN WORDS, especially when their words can be juxtaposed and contrasted with reality (e.g. Obama’s promise to eliminate earmarks line by line in budgets while being transparent in all things as opposed to him signing the pork laden budget bill yesterday behind closed doors.) 

For now, if you would like to suggest content for TLRB, please leave comments on TLRB‘s page (link / tab above).  Soon we will have an email setup for submissions.  If we approve the submission (i.e. We can validate its authenticity and it provides value in drawing attention to Obama’s corruption, hypocrisy and lies) we will post it to TLRB‘s page.  

Let the fun begin.


First – on the minute chance that anyone is still checking in periodically, let me apologize for my protracted absence.  As Louis wrote, life sometimes gets in the way and in my case that has especially been so.  My mother suffered a major stroke a little less than a month ago.  The past few weeks have been spent focusing on her care and transitioning her back home.  Thankfully, she is recovering nicely.  With continued rehabilitation, time and prayers, we expect her to make a full recovery.  

That being said, even if this crisis hadn’t happened, I cannot confidently state that I would have (or for that matter – could have) amassed enough energy, concentration, heart and fervor to blog much anyway.  The simple truth is that I am discouraged, disheartened, distraught, disincentivized and pretty much any other “dis” word that you could think of by the course that our country is finding itself on.  This frame of mind is not conducive to being creative, articulate and inspired.  Regardless, I am compelled to force myself into a renewed habit of putting my thoughts to “paper” in the hope that maybe something good, productive, inspiring and insightful might come of it.  So here we go…

As it has been so long and so much has transpired since my last post, I thought it would be best to compartmentalize my thoughts into several different posts over the next few days.

Today’s Topic: Rush Limbaugh

Rush has been targeted by the left and the media (sorry – redundant) as an evil ignoramus who is hell bent on the destruction of America by publicly wishing Dear Leader his worst.  By taking Rush’s comments that he wants Obama to fail out of context, the smear campaign (orchestrated by no less than the White House itself) is in full effect.  This obfuscation serves two purposes.  First it diverts the attention of the unwashed, inherently headline focused, masses to this kerfuffle while the Obama Administration sells our country to the lowest bidding foreign power.  Second, it distracts the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party (unfortunately there is a major difference between the two these days) from focusing in on and combating the common enemy of Big-Government Liberalism, and redirects attention to a futile and counterproductive in-fight where such “principled” spokesmen as HRIC (Head RINO in Charge) Steele and Newt “Wow! Thanks for the food. Can I now bite your hand” Gingrich lambast Rush as being incendiary and out of bounds. (Warning – both links are to HuffPost… You may need hot shower and extreme eye scrub once you visit… At the very least, wipe your feet before coming back in 😉 ) 

Disclaimer – I am not a Ditto-head.  I used to be a devotee of the man, however I must admit that I have not paid much attention to him as of late (“late” being the past 10 years or so).  It is not that I think him irrelevant, it is that I personally do not care for his self-aggrandizement.  I perceive it as buffoonish.  That being said (Sorry – I use that phrase a lot), the man is correct.  Obama’s policies (which are as far left as this country has ever witnessed) need to fail.  For if they succeed, we will no longer enjoy the liberties and opportunities that this nation has provided to us.  Every aspect of Obama’s agenda – uncontrolled and misdirected spending and inconceivable tax hikes during a recession, horrific policies on abortion, ESCR, and other life issues, ad hoc / half-baked policies regarding Gitmo and the War on Terror that will put our nation in grave danger and the eminent nationalization of health care system – drives us further down the path of European Socialist Democracy.  I too hope that our Lecturer in Chief fails.  I pray that he fails MISERABLY.  His policies must not stand and his administration must not succeed.

You know all of this self-righteous indignation would be ironic if the hypocrisy wasn’t so blatant… Just a few months ago, it was considered patriotic to denigrate our President.  In fact, the vitriolic spew leveled at President Bush was championed as the pinnacle of free speech and political discourse.  An entire cottage industry of t-shirts, bumper-stickers, placards and the like was born.  Cafe Press and other similar sites were churning out orders for the “Somewhere in Texas a Village is Missing its Idiot”, “When Clinton Lied, No One Died” and who could ever forget the dandy: “Bush, Pull Out Like your Daddy Should Have!” sticker? The principle stoker of this fire, James “Cletus” Carville, moments before the first plane hit the World Trade Center, himself stated that he hoped Bush would fail.  These same idiots are now crying foul that the most consistent and principled voice of modern conservatism disagrees with the most Liberal President ever?!??  Not to fear though.  I am sure that the above the fold, front page exposé on the hypocrisy of this whole episode is imminent.  Can someone check the New York Times Sunday edition for me?

Tomorrow’s Topic: Spendulus!


This is sooo much fun.  

Watch, the Head Spokes-Douche, Robert Gibbs (I mean c’mon…  Where in the hell did they find this guy?!!?  He makes Scott McClellan look like a modern day Emerson), as he gets bent over the podium by his presumed Comrade in the Media,  Jack Trapper, while trying to brush off an amazing feat of actual journalistic inquiry:

“Oh you want to dismiss my question, do you?  How about I shove an embarrassing, yet chewy, little stat up your ass illustrating the lack of support for your Generalamisimo’s stimulusless bill, dickhead?!!?”

I like mine buttered with light salt.  How do you take yours?

H/T Ace

It has been awhile so I thought the best way to get the blog-o-matic running again would be to dump out a few quick (read – half baked) thoughts:

  • HRIC (Head RINO in Charge) GWB’s usurping of the failed UAW bailout, Al Franken’s election fixing in MN, Blago’s “appointment” of his buddy Burris (a man who fought to execute a beyond-teh-shadow-of-a-doubt innocent (albeit dirtbaggish) man to appear tough on crime whilst running for governor) and the upcoming Coronation of Sweet Princess Caroline (teh awesomest vid evah here) have all turned the US Senate into the equivalent of a Bugs Bunny Cartoon.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Bugs… just not sure that “Ballot Box Bunny” is the appropriate template for electing people to what has been up till now a vital branch of our Federal Government.
  • Government bailouts extending to Newspapers goes way beyond the absurd into the realm of obscene, intolerable and unconstitutional. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!
  • Roseanne Barr is a fricking moron. (VDA forthcoming)
  • Favorite new blog here (WARNING – NSFW – Lot’s of profanity.)

Happy New Year.

You just made the list, Bud.

Posted: December 17, 2008 by cacoop in Corruption, Dems, Media, Obama, Politics
  • Donating the maximum allowed under federal election law to the Democratic Candidate (under three different aliases) – $6,900.00
  • Leaving your journalistic principles at the door as you unabashedly squash any negative coverage of “The One” in order to ensure the defeat of “Bush III” – Credibility
  • Finding out that the Messiah Elect is a cold, manipulative, two-faced bastard that is going to send you to the gulag for asking inconvenient questions – Priceless

by cacoop

Let’s hope the similarities end with the election night speech…

(emphasis mine)

Blago from 2002:

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, Illinois has voted for change.

Obama from 2008:

It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America. 

H/T Protein Wisdom

I know it sound's crazy, but it works... It's the Jedi Mind Trick...Remember that Eddie Murphy routine? Yeah, Mr. T... Just like that.

by cacoop

As we cite below, The Not-So-Distinguished Governor of the Puppet State of Illinois was hellbent on holding Obama’s barely used, Senate seat hostage in exchange for political and monetary remuneration.  More from the Smoking Gun (EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING):

The politician, according to the affidavit sworn by FBI Agent Daniel Cain, “analogized his situation to that of a sports agentshopping a potential free agent to various teams.” During a wiretapped November 10 call, a frustrated and financially strapped Blagojevich referred to Obama as a “motherfucker” and said that he would not appoint an ally of the President-elect to the Senate vacancy if “I don’t get anything.” Referring to Obama, Blagojevich exclaimed, “Fuck him. For nothing? Fuck him.” In a November 11 conversation, Blagojevich remarked that he knew Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett, a longtime confidante, to succeed him, “but they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them.” 

(RED / BOLD – Ed.)

Who exactly is Blago the Expendable referring to when he says, “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation“?  And more to the point, how could he infer that “they” were unwilling to play “you-tickle-my-balls-I-tickle yours” with him unless he had some sort of conversation with “them”?

Jake Tapper of ABC News, puts on his journalist hat for this one. 

Of course, President Teflon is denying having any conversations with Blago.

Asked what contact he’d had with the governor’s office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said “I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening.”

But it seems David Axelrod claimed differently back on November 23rd:

(Money shot at 1:18)

So even though the Office of the PEOTUS is conveniently claiming that Axel-Douche misspoke, there is no plausible deniability here.  This is not someone who can be dismissed as someone in the neighborhood that Obama sat on a board with.  Obama was a Senior Adviser to this psychopath…

If it smells like a rotting pile of dog crap, there is a really good chance that it is Eukanuba, High Fiber formula filtered through the digestive tract of Pit-Bull.

Blago’s Mission Statement – UPDATED

Posted: December 9, 2008 by lamayor in Corruption, Dems, Politics


By LAMayor

From the website bio of Gov. Jailbird (D-IL) (emphasis mine) . . . .

As Illinois’ chief executive officer, Gov. Blagojevich is working aggressively to create jobs, build stronger communities, provide Illinois families the tools they need to improve their lives, and restore the people’s confidence in state government.

So, um, The People, how’s that workin’ out for ya?


by cacoop

Seems the Guv in Illinois and his Chief-of-Payola, er Staff, have some splainin’ to do.

For those of you who fear that the pay-for-play policies may interfere with the appointment of the Senatorial Successor to Newport’s most prestigious customer, you need not worry… According to the “soon-to be-spending-a-lot-of-time-with-his-back-to-prison-shower-walls” himself, there is nothing to see here;  As of Monday, everything was hunky-dory in Springfield:

Regardless of “whether you tape me privately or publicly, I can tell you that whatever I say is always lawful and the things I’m interested in are always lawful,” Blagojevich said. “And if there are any things out there like that, what you’ll hear is a governor who tirelessly and endlessly figures out ways to help average, ordinary working people.”

So, I guess that seeking “appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services in the new Obama administration, or a lucrative job with a union in exchange for appointing a union-preferred candidate” is one of the lawful things “Ram-Rod” was interested in to help the average, ordinary working people.

Who else has the Illinois political machine given us?

Oh, yeah… well played.

Welcome to the Show, America.

H/T – Friends at Twitter.

<UPDATE> (strong language alert)

By LAMayor

It gets better.  Blago stated that if no one met his price, he would just take the damn seat himself!  The Smoking Gun has it all . . . .

. . . . Blagojevich was caught on wiretaps noting that the Senate seat “is a fucking valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing.” He was also recorded saying that unless “I get something real good,” he would appoint himself to the vacancy. “I’m going to keep this Senate option for me a real possibility, you know, and therefore I can drive a hard bargain. You hear what I’m saying. And if I don’t get what I want and I’m not satisfied with it, then I’ll just take the Senate seat myself.”

James Pendergast must be smiling up from Hell.


Malkin weighs in.