Archive for February, 2009

We’re Still Here!

Posted: February 24, 2009 by lamayor in Uncategorized

We are two working guys with families and activities, and well, sometimes life gets in the way. But, I promise we’ll be back soon. So, until then, enjoy this spot on cartoon by Michael Ramirez. My thoughts exactly.

See you soon!



This is sooo much fun.  

Watch, the Head Spokes-Douche, Robert Gibbs (I mean c’mon…  Where in the hell did they find this guy?!!?  He makes Scott McClellan look like a modern day Emerson), as he gets bent over the podium by his presumed Comrade in the Media,  Jack Trapper, while trying to brush off an amazing feat of actual journalistic inquiry:

“Oh you want to dismiss my question, do you?  How about I shove an embarrassing, yet chewy, little stat up your ass illustrating the lack of support for your Generalamisimo’s stimulusless bill, dickhead?!!?”

I like mine buttered with light salt.  How do you take yours?

H/T Ace